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Kay Rose has changed my life. I will never be the same. Tom Patterson, Duluth GA. 

The Full Immersion Coaching Plan

This Coaching option is also 1-on-1 with me, but it is a more “hands on” and interactive IN-PERSON Coaching plan consisting of real-world experiential coaching that takes place ‘out in the field’ rather than in my office or over the Phone.

This is for clients who either live in or near Atlanta, or who would like to fly here to have this incredibly valuable in-person coaching & training with me.[I can also do a modified version of this via Skype if you are Non-local for a slightly lower rate ]. I will take you to different environments to make profound breakthroughs and develop solid confidence and skills that have been difficult to achieve on your own, including:

Overcoming severe Shyness & Social Anxiety, Social & Conversational skills development; Comfort around social environments, new people, and especially the opposite sex; 
Developing solid Self-Confidence and overcoming deep-rooted Self-consciousness issues

Overcoming Approach Anxiety, Mastering your ability to approach women, talk to them effortlessly, and ask them out; Developing attraction skills. Improve your Body language, First Impression, Energy Levels, Communication, and personal  Charisma, and anything else that is lacking or needs real improvement in order for you to be fully effective with attracting women & developing lasting romantic relationships with them.



Weekend Coaching Plan

We will go out at night and in the daytime to practice everything with me right there with you, especially your approaching skills, conversational and flirting skills and attraction skills. 

We usually begin the weekend on a Friday at 6:00pm, starting with a “Mock Date” with you and I at a restaurant so I can give you the most accurate and honest feedback of how women are perceiving you and feeling about you, right from the first impression. That is the most valuable way to begin the weekend because then I can “diagnose” what’s wrong and know right away what your points of weaknesses are and what we’ll need to focus on coaching you on the most for the rest of the weekend. All my coaching is personalized and customized to you and what YOU need that’s going to be the game-changers for you.

Then we regroup after the Mock Date and I spend the afternoon breaking down my feedback and diagnosis for you, and coaching you. I will take you out on Friday night, Saturday day, Saturday night and Sunday day to different environments to give you the best hands-on training possible to develop and master your ability to approach attractive women anywhere, strike up and maintain engaging conversations with them, flirt with them, create sexual attraction with them, get their phone numbers and create dates with them. I will be pushing you beyond your normal comfort zone,  and getting you to accomplish results and wins that you’ve never had before! Lots of fun and surprising things happen throughout my weekends with my clients.

Sunday night and Monday I leave you to go out on your own and give you a homework assignment to accomplish and you are practicing the techniques and skills I’ve been developing with you all weekend on your own, so that you will fully integrate these skills after the weekend without needing someone by your side as a crutch

Monday later afternoon/evening we re-group again and go over all your feedback and results, and fine-tune anything that still needs refining or more practicing.
We develop your skills in different environments so you are competent everywhere in your life – coffee shops, restaurants, walking around town, etc.

I also take you shopping and give you a personal Style, Image & Wardrobe makeover, enhancing your personal style and getting you set up with some really nice, “date-ready” outfits.

This “Weekend Transformation” Coaching Package also includes 1 Pre-Weekend Skype Coaching session, and Online Dating & Tinder Profile Makeover, and 2 (1-Hour) Skype Coaching sessions following up after the weekend, PLUS a full month of email and texting support from me to lock in your results and skills.

Total INVESTMENT for 2Day Transformation Weekend Package: Call for more details 770-686-7529


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